
Welcome to the MIT Libraries Machine Learning Studio site.

The goal of this blog is to share the things we learn as we explore applications of data mining, machine learning, and related techniques in the Libraries.

We also will be running regular open meetings; stay tuned for details.

Want to add a post to this blog?

  • Get edit permissions to the repo from anyone in DLAD if you don’t have them yet (or else fork it to your own repo and make a pull request when you’re ready)
    • Not familiar with github?
      • Here’s a tutorial
      • But you don’t need to know anything about git to use the blog; you can just get a (free) github account, and edit files directly through the web editor
      • You can ask for help in the mitlibraries #codeclub Slack
  • Before your first post, add yourself to the authors section of _config.yaml, following the existing example(s).
  • Create a Markdown file in the _posts/directory with a title of the format year-month-day-title.md.
    • It should have front matter that looks like this:
  • If you’re trying fancy things with Jekyll and you want to see them on localhost before pushing:
    • Install Jekyll: https://help.github.com/articles/setting-up-your-github-pages-site-locally-with-jekyll/
    • Run it with bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl=''
author: < the label for you in _config.yaml >

It will automatically use the post layout. You may add a title: < whatever > if you want to override the title deduced from the filename.